Alltop Blogs: Pets

It’s about time I did some posting. Amazing how being employed and pursuing multiple awards and titles on three dogs simultaneously can interfere with my attention to this blog, which has lately been limited to attending to an amazing number of spam comments. I can’t quite remember how I stumbled into this, I’m pretty sure … Read more

Honda Element takes a hint from

My co-worker Libby tipped me off to a piece in Media Post talking about how Honda decided to take the Element’s top rating on and develop a dog-centric campaign with TV and online elements (no pun intended.) The article refers to 95 Google dog-sites, one of much must be dog show superintendent MB-F’s Infodog, … Read more

Return to Dog Marketing!

That VDeck “upgrade” at iPower was pretty darn frustrating, especially since they didn’t tell me I couldn’t have more than one blog with my account. My nascent “show dog blog” which didn’t contain any posts kicked Dog Marketing off the map, I finally came to the realization that I’d just have to start over. My … Read more