An article from the San Diego Union Tribune talks about the social media strategies of two area businesses, one of which is Petco. Petco learned that employees were talking about the company on both Facebook and Twitter and decided to leverage those tools for the brand. On Facebook, Petco has both a fan page and a group; the group encourages people to become a fan. Petco also has an official Twitter account a YouTube channel and a blog on their main site; links to their social media accounts appear on the blog page. Not only does Petco use popular social media sites extensively, they also promote a pet-centric online community with zootoo.com through the Petco.com site.
Also starting a new page on FB supporting the all-natural food category as a whole with a variety of their brands participating as “council members”: Generation Natural Pet
Interesting – Petco is listed as a sponsor along with several “natural” pet food brands, but it’s not explicitly identified as a Petco project.. Petco is listed as the sponsor of the “Ridiculously Shiny Coat” contest currently promoted on the fan page.